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Career Counselling

Take the Strong Interest Inventory® Assessment or Career Interest Test and get the dynamic, interactive, customized Career Profile that allows you to explore your career options easily. The report contains the most current occupational information with over 12,000+ job titles, career fields, and related college majors.

Canadian information available includes region-specific job opportunities, up-to-date information on job duties and skills requirements, salaries and occupational outlook, and license and certification requirements.

  • Your skills and strengths, interests, personality, and values
  • What do you need to feel fulfilled in a career
  • How strategically narrow your options to the best choice(s)
  • How to feel confident to take the next steps toward changing your career
  • Job search strategies and barriers
  • Work style and learning environment preferences
  • And much, much more!

It is not uncommon for personal challenges to arise in personal life and career counselling discussions. 

Personal Counselling

Take the Personality Test and get an accurate and scientifically justifiable description of who you are and why you do things the way you do.

You will receive your personal customized report on

  • Your preferred type of communication
  • Your approach to making decisions
  • Your approach to time and life management
  • The detailed and personalized information on communication, decision-making, dealing with change, and conflict.                                         
Stress Management

Take the Stress Profile Test and get a confidential summary of your Stress Profile, which measures various factors that may affect your physical health and psychological well-being.

You will receive your personal customized report on

  • Stress and stress management
  • Confidence, self-esteem, and/or self-centeredness
  • Assertiveness and boundary setting                       

You will receive your personal customized report.